Diuretics for weight loss

The desire to have a slim body and get rid of those obnoxious extra pounds and fat folds leads to the search for "magic" diets and miracle methods to lose weight. Combined with adequate diet and exercise, weight loss is not difficult, but often laziness and unwillingness to put in the minimum effort to reduce everything to medication. The herbs have the effect of reducing appetite, stimulating the excretory function of the intestines and kidneys, and also have a fat-burning effect. Diuretics for weight loss are considered the most affordable and safe, especially when it comes to herbs with a diuretic effect.

The girl lost weight after taking diuretics

general description

Means with a diuretic effect enhance filtration in the kidneys and contribute to an increase in the volume of diuresis due to the removal of fluid accumulated in the tissues:

  • Synthetic diuretics have a strong and rapid effect, their principle of action is based on an increase in the permeability of the epithelial cell membranes in the renal tubules. They are used medicinally to treat diseases associated with impaired water metabolism or impaired kidney function, as well as heart disease.
  • The group of natural diuretics includes a large list of plants that stimulate the excretory function of the kidneys and accelerate the removal of excess fluid from the body. Compared with artificial preparations, they have a slight diuretic effect.

Using oral tablets to stimulate diuresis without consulting a doctor is very dangerous, overstressed kidneys and rapid fluid loss can cause serious disturbances in the body. Medicinal plants also have side effects, but less diuretic activity comes with minimal risks.

Consult your doctor before taking diuretics

Using natural diuretics for weight loss at home can help you get rid of the feeling of heaviness, as well as lose a few pounds by reducing the volume of tissue fluid. For safe use, it is necessary to understand the properties of medicinal plants and their principle of action, as well as the fact that achieving weight loss can only remove water, not fat deposits. with their help. . Before starting use, it is advisable to consult a doctor to determine possible contraindications and to choose the optimal composition of natural diuretics.

List of diuretics for weight loss

The effective diuretic herbs used in traditional medicine make up an impressive list of familiar names and unknown plants. The advantage of natural diuretic stimulants is that they are readily available, you can buy them at the pharmacy all year round, and some are known to be grown in the garden. Compared with good industrial diuretics, the cost of herbal ingredients is many times lower, and the weight loss effect when taken correctly is no less.

Helping to reduce excess weight will provide products with diuretic and laxative properties. By filling your own diet with vegetables and fruits, you can get a healthy dose of fiber and stimulate your urinary system.

Watermelon, melon, apple, cucumber, zucchini - these healthy foods are rich in vitamins and minerals and have a very good diuretic effect.

According to reviews of men and women who decide to lose weight with the help of natural products and herbal preparations, green tea has fat burning and diuretic activity, which is recommended to drink instead. for regular tea.


It has a mild diuretic, antiseptic and laxative effect. An affordable natural diuretic that is sold in all pharmacies and a drink made of horsetail herb helps to get rid of edema and lose a few extra pounds in a week. 2 spoons of ingredients poured with boiling water in a thermos, 2 hours later drink warm.

Horsetail - a natural diuretic for weight loss


Stimulates the kidneys and calms the nervous system. The mild diuretic effect allows you to use mint almost unlimitedly in the form of a decoction, infusion or fresh. It is pleasant to drink mint tea on a hot day, the fresh taste invigorates and helps relieve puffiness. When it comes to weight loss, mint helps to get rid of excess fluid, and also reduces cravings.


Parsley has a pronounced diuretic effect in fresh and dried form, the roots of the plant are especially rich in active substances. Due to its increased diuretic potential, parsley should not be consumed by women who are pregnant and have symptoms of kidney failure. When losing weight, it is advisable to add greens to salads, and prepare decoctions and infusions based on parsley root, using the potent action of inexpensive diuretics.

Fennel seeds have a mild diuretic effect

fennel seeds)

Compared to parsley, dill is a less potent remedy, so there are practically no restrictions on the use of dill seed decoction. Crushed cumin seeds pour with hot water and incubate for 2-3 hours. Then drink half a glass 3-4 times a day. Another positive property of inexpensive diuretics is the reduction of gas formation in the intestines.

Mother and stepmother

The leaves are used to make delicious and healthy decoctions with diuretic and antiseptic properties. This plant is considered female, that is, it has a positive effect on the reproductive system and helps to normalize the level of hormones, which can cause weight gain.

Burdock Root)

Burdock root is used to stimulate the kidneys in diseases of the urinary system, as well as a potent diuretic for weight loss. It has strong diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects and helps to remove toxins and harmful metabolic products from the body.

Burdock root diuretic will reduce toxins and gain weight

Lingonberry (leaf)

Lingonberry leaves are used in folk medicine in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urinary system due to its strong antiseptic effect. Weak diuretic, but combined with other herbs, Ganoderma lucidum tea both helps to lose weight and nourish the body with useful substances.

Cranberry tree

Berries are used in food as a source of useful fiber and a large amount of vitamins. When brewed, cranberry leaves have a pleasant aroma, mixed with strawberries, reishi, raspberries, raspberries, you will get a delicious tea, has a mild diuretic effect, helps relieve puffiness and puffiness. losing weight.

Flaxseed has a weak diuretic effect, which contributes to weight loss.


Flaxseed is used as a means for weight loss as a weak diuretic, as well as a useful source of fiber. Flaxseed, decoction and cereals stimulate the activity of the stomach and intestines, help the kidneys remove excess fluid, and at the same time destroy the pathogenic microflora.

Herbal preparations

The best result when losing weight with the help of herbal diuretics is the use of charges, which consist of plants with different properties that can reinforce each other the action of the ingredients. You can prepare herbal mixtures yourself or use ready-made kits from the pharmacy, the main condition for a positive effect is proper preparation and adherence to the drinking regimen.

The best way to prepare the drink is to steam the herb in a thermos or in a water bath, so you get the maximum benefit and effective diuretic effect.

How to lose weight

To lose weight with the help of diuretics, you need to:

When using diuretics to lose weight, you need to drink a lot of water.
  • You need to drink plenty of water to help your kidneys function properly and remove toxins and excess fluid from your body without showing symptoms of dehydration.
  • Tea drinks or herbal teas are recommended to be drunk while still warm, because the activity of the ingredients in the preparation increases and stimulates the kidneys to work faster.
  • To exclude the possibility of nocturnal defecation, diuretics should be stopped 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  • It is not possible to take diuretics for more than 4-5 days in a row, and at the same time, alternate plants and take vitamin preparations.

Achievements in sports

Initially, diuretics to lose a few extra pounds were used in sport when it was necessary to move an opponent to a lower weight class to facilitate the process of competition. In most countries, this use is now banned and is considered similar to the use of sports stimulants.

Losing weight with the help of diuretic drinks contributes to the rapid elimination of excess water, so that the muscles are better offloaded, helping the body become toned and slimmer. Athletes often resort to this method before bodybuilding competitions, using diuretics 2-3 days before important sporting events. This requires you to follow a special protein diet and drink enough fluids to avoid dehydration symptoms and not harm your health.

A high-protein diet, combined with diuretics will help you get in shape.

Consequences of admission

Harmless herbal diuretics and good synthetic diuretics can have both good and bad effects, depending on how they are used. It is necessary to drink weight loss products that stimulate the excretory system to function properly and properly. In order to exclude contraindications and determine the possible consequences of taking it, you should seek the advice of a doctor, and then make sure to follow the recommendations and follow the instructions for use.

Possible results

After taking diuretics or herbal remedies, a person feels a sense of lightness throughout the body and a sense of euphoria due to visible positive results. But to achieve good results and easily lose weight with the help of diuretics of natural and synthetic origin at home, it only takes a short time. In a week, you should not lose more than 2 kg in this way. It should be borne in mind that weight loss occurs only due to the elimination of excess fluid, after the end of taking diuretics, the indicators on the scale will return to normal numbers, if we ignore the dietary recommendations. proper nutrition and sport.

Side Effects

Herbal diuretics are also a medicine created by nature, if used incorrectly, you can cause significant harm to your own health:

  • With excessive use of diuretics in the body, signs of a violation of water-salt metabolism develop. The person is weak, constantly thirsty, the mouth is dry, the skin is dehydrated, the headache is, the limbs are cramped.
  • Diuretics have the ability to remove beneficial minerals from the body. The increased loss of potassium leads to a violation of the oxygen metabolism in the myocardium, a rapid pulse, the appearance of a tingling sensation in the chest and a feeling of lack of air, the negative effect is especially pronounced in the elderly and young adults. youth.
  • The excretion of fluid is accompanied by a loss of useful minerals and vitamins, therefore, with regular use of diuretics, signs of beriberi occur.
  • The disadvantage of taking diuretics is that they often want to go to the bathroom, they become painful due to constant straining of the bladder and perineum muscles.
  • Unpleasant consequences can be avoided provided that the regimen is followed in accordance with the instructions.

You cannot continuously take diuretic herbs, this is a temporary measure to quickly lose a few pounds. To achieve a truly lasting effect, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and maintain an adequate level of physical activity.